Monday, May 27, 2024

Do you like this political ideology?

 There is a political party which produced a 25 point plan of their beliefs. Take a look and see if any of it appeals to you.

1. We want British people in "the UK"

2. We want the UK to be treated the same as other nations.

3. We want land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population.

4. Only British may be citizens of the UK. Only those of British races may be members of the nation. Their religion does not matter. No Muslim may be a citizen.

5. Non-citizens may live in the UK, but there will be special laws for foreigners living in the UK.

6. Only citizens can vote for parliament and councils, or vote on laws. Everyone who works for the British government, a state government or even a small village must be a citizen of the UK. We will stop giving people jobs because of the political party they are in. Only the best people should get a job.

7. We think that the government's first job is to make sure every citizen has a job and enough to eat. If the government cannot do this, people who are not citizens should be made to leave the UK.

8. No-one who is not of a British race should be allowed to live in the UK. We want anyone who is not of a British-race who started living in the UK after 2 August 2000 to leave the country.

9. All citizens shall have equal rights and duties.

10. Every citizen should have a job. Their work should not be selfish, but help everyone. Therefore we demand

11. • The abolition of incomes unearned by work. 

• The breaking of the slavery of interest

12. It is wrong for people to make money from a war. Anyone who made money from wars should have all that money taken away.

13. We want all very big corporations to be owned by the government.

14. Big industrial companies should share their profits with the workers.

15. We want old age pensions to be increased.

16. We want:

• to create a healthy middle class

• to split up big department stores, and let small traders rent space inside them

• to make State and town governments try to buy from small traders.

17. We want to change the way land is owned. We also want

• a law to take over land if the country needs it, without the government having to pay for it;

• to abolish ground rent; and

• to prohibit land speculation (buying land just to sell to someone else for more money).

18. Crimes against the common interest must be punished with prison.

19. Laws should be based upon the British Common Law system.

20. We want to change the system of schools and education, so that every hard-working Britain can have the chance of higher education.

• What is taught should concentrate on practical things

• Schools should teach civic affairs, so that children can become good citizens

• If a poor parent cannot afford to pay for higher education the government should pay for education.

21. The State must protect health standards by

• protecting mothers and infants

• stopping children from working

• making a law for compulsory gymnastics and sports

• supporting sports clubs for young men.

22. We want to get rid of the old army and replace it with a people's army that would look after the ordinary people, not just the rich officer-class

23. We want the law to stop politicians from being anti-British, and newspapers from writing about them. To make a British national press we demand:

• that all editors of, and writers in the English language newspapers are members of the nation (of a British race);

• Foreign newspapers need permission from the government. They must not be printed in the English language unless they come from a country where English is the national language;

• Non-British cannot own or control British newspapers. Any non Britain who does own or control a newspaper will be made to leave the UK, and the newspaper closed down,

• Newspapers which criticise the country or the government are not allowed.

• Art and books which support foreign ideas, should be banned.

24. We want to allow all religions in the State, unless they offend the moral feelings of the British race. Our party is Christian, but does not belong to any denomination. The party will fight the Muslim self-interest spirit, and believes that our nation will be strongest only if everyone puts the common interest before self-interest.

25. We will

• create a strong central government for Britain and what is left of its Empire;

• give Parliament control over the entire government and its organizations;

• form groups based on class and job to carry out the laws in the various British states.

The leaders of the Party promise to work—if need be to sacrifice their very lives—to put this programme into action.

Does any of this appeal to you? Is it a policy of a political group you like? If so then I have news for you - You are a Nazi! This 25 point plan was produced by Hitler for the the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), Nazi Party, when it was founded in 1920. I have simply changed references to Germany and Jews to be more appropriate to the UK today.

If you like it, particularly points 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, you are probably a racist.