Yes - I know, you are probably sick of reading about Covid-19. In this post I plan on telling you how to protect yourself and how to protect others. In addition I'd like to squash a few Covid-19 myths and point out a few truths about Covid-19. Let's start in reverse order.
Truths about Covid-19
Only a third of people infected with Covid-19 show the symptoms we've been told to look out for - a fever, a dry cough, loss of taste and smell. These are far from the only symptoms and some of the other symptoms are common. Here's what to look out for
• Headache | • Chest pain | • Difficulty sleeping | • Abdominal pain/tummy ache |
• Sneezing | • Achy muscles | • Runny nose | • Red/purple sores or blisters on your feet (including toes) |
• Diarrhoea | • Loss of sense of taste | • Loss of sense of smell | • Shortness of breath affecting normal activities |
• Sore eyes | • Sore throat | • Hoarse voice | • New persistent cough |
• Blocked nose | • Chills (feeling too cold) | • Fever (feeling too hot) | • Raised, red, itchy areas on the skin |
• Tightness in chest | • Felt more tired than normal | • Severe fatigue (e.g. inability to get out of bed) | • Nausea and/or vomiting |
• Dizziness | • Decrease in appetite | • Numbness or tingling somewhere in the body | • Feeling of heaviness in arms or legs |
• Sudden swelling of the face or lips | • Brain 'fog' - inability to think clearly. | • Stroke, heart attack, kidney and other organ failure. |
Wearing a mask won't protect you from Covid-19. It's true that wearing a mask offers YOU little protection. However if other people around you wear one that will protect you if they wear the mask properly. More on that later. If everyone wore a correctly fitted and effective mask the pandemic would quickly fizzle out.
The virus can survive on some surfaces. Metal, glass, and plastic surfaces can be contaminated with the virus. It won't survive long on porous surfaces such as fabric, paper, cardboard and wood. Brass, silver and copper surfaces will quickly destroy the virus if they are not protected from tarnishing using a clear lacquer.
Shouting, singing and talking increase the risk of spreading the virus. Each increases the number of droplets sprayed from your mouth. Normally we are not aware of these but there are videos showing what happens when you speak, with and without a mask. When you are out shopping, stopping to talk to friends you meet isn't such a good idea. Singing in church or taking part in a protest are good ways to get infected. The image below shows droplets, normally invisible, when speaking the word "two" in a normal voice
The picture above shows the droplets emitted. We don't normally see these unless you are out in cold weather. Then you will see condensation from your breath. That quickly evaporates and at a distance of 2 metres (6.5 feet) you won't see it. That evaporation process explains why in most cases a mask fails to protect the person wearing it. Masks are designed to protect others from YOU. Recent information indicated that 40% of people infected with Covid-19 have no idea they have it.
The virus can infect anybody - not just the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. Certainly the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions are the most likely to fall severely ill, but any age group can be infected and those without pre-existing conditions can still die.
Some ethnic groups seem to be more vulnerable. People of African, Asian and American Indian descent seem to be more vulnerable. Scientists are not sure yet whether this is due to genetics or socio-economic factors.
Some blood groups seem to be less likely to suffer severe illness from Covid-19. If you are blood type O you appear to be less at risk than other blood groups (by 35%). Those who are Rhesus negative also seem to have reduced risk. Those who are blood type A seem to be most at risk (by 45%) of developing severe symptoms.
Some people suffer very long term effects from Covid-19. 'Long Covid' is now fully recognised. According to the British medical Journal 45% of those infected do NOT fully recover in two to three weeks and 10-20% do not fully recover in months. This is true for both mild cases and of those who needed hospital treatment. Four different syndromes of long term Covid make diagnosis difficult. Dr Claire Steves, from Kings College London said that people who displayed five or more symptoms of Covid-19 in the first week where at greatest risk of long term Covid. Women too were more vulnerable.
Some people will never recover fully due to organ failure.
Some people will never recover fully due to organ failure.
We are getting better at detecting and treating Covid-19
The charts above show this clearly. More cases are being detected and the death rate from these detected cases has dropped.
The 1918/1919 flu outbreak taught us a lot about how to deal with a pandemic
We expected a second wave of the disease and know it will be worse than the first wave.
We know that wearing masks will cut down the rate at which the disease spreads.
We expected a second wave of the disease and know it will be worse than the first wave.
We know that wearing masks will cut down the rate at which the disease spreads.
We know that lockdowns and social isolation work. This was graphically demonstrated by the different approaches taken by Philadelphia and Seattle in the US. In Philadelphia it was business as usual. In Seattle strict lockdowns were prepared and put into action before the outbreak reached the city. Philadelphia suffered badly. Seattle did not. Source
One key difference between these pandemics though is that the 1918/1919 pandemic affected the young whereas the Covid-19 pandemic hits the elderly harder.
Children should be encouraged to wear masks. The CDC says:
"Children 2 years of age and older should wear a mask. Help your child (if 2 years of age or older) wear a mask correctly when in public and when around people they don’t live with." That goes against what governments advise should happen in schools where children have been told they need not wear masks in classrooms.
You can re-use disposable masks but you need to know how to do this. Masks should be allowed to dry out thoroughly for at least three days before being re-used. If you can, leave the mask where it will be exposed to direct sunlight that will help since ultra-violet light destroys the virus. Know that glass is an effective UV light filter though so a window ledge won't work. The best way to dry out a mask is by sealing it in a plastic bag with a desiccant. Again Amazon is a useful source of this. The desiccant can be periodically regenerated in an ordinary household oven.
SAGES, a worldwide medical association, say these masks can be re-used up to five times if they are not contaminated visibly. link Take care when removing and storing the mask though.
SAGES, a worldwide medical association, say these masks can be re-used up to five times if they are not contaminated visibly. link Take care when removing and storing the mask though.
The Covid-19 Myths
5G mobile networks DO NOT spread COVID-19 of all the Covid-19 myths this is clearly the most ridiculous. The World Health Organization points out that viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks. The only possible justification for this theory would be if 5G networks made you more susceptible to the disease. However, if that were the case then countries without 5G networks would be less impacted by the disease. The WHO points out that COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks.
Hydroxychloroquine does NOT cure the disease. Hydroxychloroquine, a drug much touted by President Trump in the US, is a treatment for malaria, lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis. It has been under study as a possible treatment for COVID-19. Current data shows that this drug does not reduce deaths among hospitalised COVID-19 patients, nor does it help people with moderate disease. This drug can have some quite nasty side effects. (headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, rash - all symptoms of Covid-19.)The ONLY possible justification for taking it as a 'treatment' for Covid-19 is that it helps the body take up vitamin D. However there are much safer substances to do this. Quercetin and green tea will do this without the nasty side effects.
Drinking or inhaling a mist of bleach will NOT protect you from the virus. Drinking bleach is likely to poison you. Inhaling a mist of it is likely to damage your lungs. Read the labels on bleach bottles - they clearly warn against this.
Covid-19 is not spread on your shoes. The virus is unlikely to be spread on shoes. If you are at all concerned or have children who crawl/play on the floor then this tiny risk can be eliminated by taking off your shoes when you enter the house.
Drinking methanol, ethanol or hydrogen peroxide DOES NOT prevent or cure COVID-19 and can be extremely dangerous. All these chemicals are poisons in pure form (yes even the ethanol in alcoholic drinks) Alcoholic drinks do not contain enough alcohol to destroy the virus and drinking an excess of it will make you less likely to treat the disease with care.
'A mask is as effective at protecting you as chicken wire is good for keeping out mosquitoes.' I've already dealt with this in a previous blog post here. The fact remains that masks are designed to stop the spread of the virus from infected people to non-infected people. If you refuse to wear one because of your 'rights' then you are being selfish and prolonging the pandemic. When you exhale virus contaminated droplets the reality is that the mask to droplet size is the same as chickens to chicken wire. Chicken coops are effective at containing chickens and any mosquitoes riding on them.
Wearing a mask does NOT cause oxygen deficiency or carbon dioxide poisoning. Think about it. medical professionals spend much of their day wearing masks. They suffer neither oxygen deficiency or carbon dioxide poisoning. Even if masks are worn daily for years their life expectancy does not seem to suffer. In a recent statement the WHO suggested masks should not be worn while exercising but in one test I've seem A mask was worn during a 20 minute workout but oxygen levels never dropped below 93%
How to protect yourself
1. Social isolation.
If you never come into contact with infected people or items then you cannot catch the disease. Of course, isolating yourself like this is not always possible but there are things you can do to minimize the risk Here's what you can do to help:
Wash your hands more often. If the virus gets on your skin then it's quite easy to transfer it to your face. We frequently touch our face, especially lips, nose, eyes and ears. We do this without being aware of it. Soap and water destroys the virus quickly. Of course it's not possible to carry soap and water and use it away from the sink so:
Use hand sanitizer. This should be a mixture of 70% ethanol and 30% water and other substances. 100% alcohol is too strong and makes the virus 'hide' from it. Less than 70% alcohol is too weak to destroy the virus. Note the alcohol in spirits is usually described as 70° proof. This is NOT 70% alcohol by volume. It's 40% alcohol and too weak to destroy the virus.
If you do have to go out:
Wearing gloves does help. They act as a barrier between you and contaminated surfaces. Ideally get hold of gloves which are thin and which can be sanitized. Gloves which work with touchscreens help too. I found some on Amazon which check all the boxes. They are protected on the palms by a nitrile plastic layer and can be washed, used with hand sanitizer, work with touchscreens and the reverse side can be used to clear condensation from a face shield.
Protect your eyes. As previously said a mask does little to protect you. By the time droplets carrying the virus get to you they will probably have evaporated and got small enough to pass between the fibres of a mask. If inhaled or landing on a moist surface then you can be infected. Your eyes provide such a surface. protect them by wearing at the least glasses. You can get clear glasses designed to protect eyes from dust and sparks but ordinary eye glasses will help. Better still wear a face shield. Again Amazon is a good source Note however, a face shield does not protect others much so wear a mask also.
Rather than shopping in person see if you can shop online and get things delivered. When things are delivered:
Wipe down items with sanitizing wipes. Look at the labels of these wipes carefully. If they say something like 'Kils H1N1 flu virus' then they will do the job of destroying Covir-19 also. Items made of glass, metal or packed in plastic are the most likely to have contaminated surfaces. Under ideal conditions the virus has been fount to remain infective for up to three weeks. However those ideal conditions, cool, damp and dark are not common. The risk is small but worth taking precautions against. You do not know how the person packing and delivering the products from manufacturer to retailer to you handled these things.
paper and cardboard wrapped products will quickly dry out the virus making it harmless but wipe them if you wish.
Stay back from other people. Try to stay 2 metres (approximately 6 feet) from other people. Virus laden droplets exhaled by these people will have fallen to the ground or dispersed before they get to you. Think about the condensation you see from your breath on a cold day. Does it spread more than 2 metres?
DON'T stop to talk to a friend you meet. Such conversations are usually done within 2 metres. Tell them you'll call them and move on.
DON'T go anywhere where people are shouting, cheering or singing. Each of these means more viral particles being spread. Avoid protest marches, concerts or sports events and churches! By now you must have heard of the super-spreader events organised by politicians and churches.
Consider taking a Vitamin D3 supplement. If you spend a lot of time indoors and don't get much sunlight you may be deficient in this vitamin. It's important for proper immune system support and while it won't stop you getting Covid-19, it may well make the difference between a mild case or a severe case. I read a report recently where doctors found most of their severe Covid-19 cases were vitamin D3 deficient. The trouble is that the human body is not good at taking up vitamin D3 in tablet form. The health food Quercetin helps vitamin D3 be absorbed. So does drinking green tea but you may have to drink more of that than you are comfortable with.
Consider taking a Zinc supplement. Zinc supplements also help the immune system. Researchers from Spain reported finding an association between low zinc levels in the blood and poor health outcomes among patients with Covid-19. In severe cases monitored those with low zinc levels died, those with normal levels survived. if you do take a zinc supplement make sure it also contains traces of copper. These two minerals must be kept in balance for optimal health source Too much zinc in the body is simply excreted.
Update - since this blog was first written full face visors which incorporate a filter have become available. I found this one at Amazon (
It protects your full face, works with glasses, lets people see you smile, allows those with hearing problems to lip read what you say and has a replaceable filter. The filters can be used as a template to cut more filters from normal medical masks. Obviously, it's re-usable and it's also quite cheap (£11.99)
Why did I write this?
Ten years ago I and my wife were researching a book series where we suggested that the only way of getting people to take notice of an impending asteroid impact thousands of years in the future was to make people immortal. It's actually not just science fantasy but based on real science today. We postulated a genetic fix to do that and suggested using a virus to spread it. We had to do a LOT of research into how viruses spread. Corona viruses such as colds and flu were part of this study. Ideas which spread or prevent the spread of these viruses are equally effective at spreading or preventing Covid-19. I wrote a blog about this (bio-terrorism and the cure for the common cold) in 2011. The lessons we learnt from this have been protecting us from colds and flu ever since and now protect us from Covid-19 too.
In the last few weeks has come the announcement that vaccines have been developed which are 90-95% effective at preventing Covid-19. I find it remarkable that this has been achieved in so short a time. Normally vaccines like this take years to develop. I also find it encouraging because in theory, the same technique could be used to develop a vaccine against cold and flu. (Update Dec 2022: The vaccine protecting against all strains of flu - more than 100 of them is now possible and being produced.) Each year pharmaceutical firms make a small fortune from the sale of cold and flu relief medication and therefore do not have an incentive to develop a vaccine against cold and flu. The trouble is that these similar diseases are not normally considered killers and as a result do not get the same level of funding. BUT - the cold and flu diseases ARE killers. Each time your body is infected by a virus some cells are destroyed and replaced. Some cells are only slightly damaged and when they eventually are replaced they are replaced with equally damaged cells. It's this process which makes us age and aging kills everyone! We consider this normal but there is growing evidence that this need not be the case.
Update Dec 20th 2020
A new variant of Covid-19 has been identified. (Source) Corona viruses normally mutate, making them difficult to produce an effective vaccination for. Covid-19 has shown little sign of this but in the last few days a new variant has been found in southeast England. It's spreading rapidly and has forced the UK government to greatly restrict movement in the area and re-think their planned relaxation of the rules for mixing over Christmas. This new variant appears to be MORE infectious than the existing one. It's led to two European countries shutting down air travel from the UK. More will follow but this is not likely to stop the new variant infecting the rest of the world. At the moment it seems to have about the same mortality rate.
One last thing - You can get the first book of the book series, 'Immortality Gene,' free at It works on all ebook readers.